
The Learning Environment

Your child benefits from our hands-on approach to the curriculum encourages your child to be original and creative in his thought process while giving your child the confidence to try out their ideas. Our teaching process involves a multi disciplinary, integrated approach with related activities in all subjects. We believe that your child learns the most by imbibing the most from the environment – just as all children learn to crawl, walk and talk by merely observing their environment. We, therefore strive to provide the apt environment for your child to learn the concepts of the curriculum. For example we have named our classes after flowers so that incidental learning about them is a natural phenomenon with the children. We use age-appropriate materials/activities integrated with an interdisciplinary approach and implement a variety of highly effective teaching strategies and methods to target children's individual learning styles. There are a variety of spaces throughout the school for students to explore science, maths, languages and the visual and performing arts.

Children are never expected to compete with or match other children's rate of growth or development.  All of these components help to create a relaxing, non-stressful, fun yet challenging environment where children learn at their own individual pace and excel in their innate abilities.  

Pupil Teacher Relationship      Your child will be eager to learn due to our project based approach. We encourage holistic learning where teaching is activity based. The ‘Project Aaproach’ is implemented which integrates a range of subjects thus helping pupils learn in a manner which enthuses as also providing an insight to the pupils on the everyday application of their learning. Thus the bonding between the pupil and teacher grows strong with both teachers and pupils being participants to a group activity with pupils contributing their ideas and innovations and the teacher proving the role of mentor / guide. The focus for the teacher is on learning by the students and not fault finding. Thus the child is encouraged to learn and is not inhibited by the fear of making mistakes.


Each child has specific talents and the School’s role is to identify, discover and foster these talents so that the child’s natural gifts are realised to their highest potential. Our program is preventive as well as therapeutic.

A school-going child passes through different phases of development, both physical and mental. The School contributes significantly to their emotional, intellectual and physical growth through its team of counsellors, which is an important support system that helps the child to pass the learning process with comparative ease.

Our counsellors offer student guidance in the areas of physical and social growth by helping them to connect with themselves. These objectives are accomplished through group or individual counselling and by collaborating with parents, tutors and the school administration.

Inclusive Education

The School curriculum caters for the needs of all children including the differently abled (Down’s Syndrome, Autistic, Physically Challenged, Hearing Impaired, Blind, Speech Impaired). We have a special process to identify and assess the special needs of such children. The student’s intellectual functioning level is identified along with the student’s strength and weakness. The assessment of behaviour, social and emotional levels are also done using standardised psychometric tools. Thereafter, a consultation with the parent is done to discuss the outcome of the assessment and a suitable and effective curriculum plan is prepared with the help of the School’s Special Educator who is qualified in dealing with differently abled children. Using individual specific educational techniques, strategies and tools we help children with special needs to overcome learning challenges as we believe that ‘All children have an equal right to learn.’ The progress of the child is monitored and is amalgamated into the mainstream when the child’s progress matches up to the class average

Individualized  Education Plan (IEP)

Children who have problems are identified in a process involving the teacher, principal and counsellor. The IEP counsellor then prepares their psychometric profile which is discussed in detail with the parents. A remedial plan is the prepared in which the child attends remedial classes in the school.

Remedial Program

“If I cannot learn the way you teach,

Will you teach me, the way I can learn?”

A mixed group of children will have children with different learning capabilities. There will be children with high learning ability who can grasp quiet fast and learn better but there will also be children who need constant guidance and support. To circumvent this problem and make all level of children at same pace the school has initiated remedial classes.


  • Help and support. 
  • Pay individual attention. 
  • Develop interest in attending remedial classes for the children.